Neck Flattening

What is Neck Flattening?

Omurgayı oluşturan 33 omurun yedisi boyun bölgesini oluşturur. Sağlıklı bir insanın omurgası düz değil kıvrımlı olmalıdır. Boyun bölgesinde bulunan 7 boyun kemiğinden sonuncusu olan Cervikal 7 (C7) bu düzleşmenin %90 oranına sebebiyet verir. C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 kemikleri C7 kemiğinin yukarısında kaldığı için boynun en alt kemiği C7 dışa doğru ilerlediğinde diğer altı kemik tam tersi olarak içe doğru ilerler. C7 kemiğinin dışa doğru ilerlemesi ve diğer 6 kemiğin tam tersi olarak içe doğru ilerlemesi boyun düzleşmesini oluşturur ve bu durum hastaların kafalarını normale göre daha önde kalmasına yol açar.

What are the Symptoms of Neck Flattening?

- Neck pain.
- Restriction of neck movements.
- Weakness in the neck muscles.
- Headache.
- Back pain.
- Pain and a feeling of burden in the shoulders.
- Pain in the neck.
- Numbness, chills, loss of sensation, loss of strength, pain in the arms and hands.

What Causes Neck Flattening?

- The desire to hide the body, especially in girls during puberty.
- Increased use of computers and phones for long periods of time in today's children.
- Heavy backpack use.
- Lack of ergonomic working environment.
- Increase in desk work.
- Increased use of cell phones is the most common cause of poor posture.

Is Neck Flattening Corrected?

Neck flattening is a disease that can be corrected in 4 sessions with Anatomy Form dimensioned, drug-free, needle-free, non-surgical functional medicine, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, manual therapy treatment methods.

What is Neck Flattening Treatment?

The bones of the spine have spinous processes in the middle and these processes are physically sharp. When the lowest bone of the neck, C7, moves outwards, the spinous process of the bone compresses the muscle more than it should and this causes the tissues and muscles in and around the neck to stiffen and the blood circulation to slow down, resulting in pain.

According to the patient's age, gender, tissue and muscle stiffness, bone tone, degree and stage of the disease, softening the tissues and muscles in the neck region and accelerating blood circulation with physiotherapy and rehabilitation practices is essential for minimizing pain.

After physiotherapy and rehabilitation, the most complementary treatment method for neck straightening is manual therapy applied in the Anatomy Form dimension.

The satisfaction of our patients who consult us is the equivalent of the promise that all the procedures performed are permanent.

What is Neck Flattening?

Omurgayı oluşturan 33 omurun yedisi boyun bölgesini oluşturur. Sağlıklı bir insanın omurgası düz değil kıvrımlı olmalıdır. Boyun bölgesinde bulunan 7 boyun kemiğinden sonuncusu olan Cervikal 7 (C7) bu düzleşmenin %90 oranına sebebiyet verir. C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 kemikleri C7 kemiğinin yukarısında kaldığı için boynun en alt kemiği C7 dışa doğru ilerlediğinde diğer altı kemik tam tersi olarak içe doğru ilerler. C7 kemiğinin dışa doğru ilerlemesi ve diğer 6 kemiğin tam tersi olarak içe doğru ilerlemesi boyun düzleşmesini oluşturur ve bu durum hastaların kafalarını normale göre daha önde kalmasına yol açar.


Our treatment success rate %90is over.
%100 we do not end session programs without results.


- The desire to hide the body, especially in girls during puberty.
- Increased use of computers and phones for long periods of time in today's children.
- Heavy backpack use.
- Lack of ergonomic working environment.
- Increase in desk work.
- Increased use of cell phones is the most common cause of poor posture.

Neck flattening Anatomy Form size applied without medication, without needles,
non-surgical functional medicine, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, manual therapy treatment
It is a disease that can be cured in 4 sessions.

The bones of the spine have spinous processes in the middle and these processes are physically sharp. When the lowest bone of the neck, C7, moves outward, the spinous process of the bone compresses the muscle more than it should and this causes the tissues and muscles in and around the neck to stiffen and the blood circulation to slow down, resulting in pain. Depending on the patient's age, gender, tissue and muscle stiffness, bone tone, degree and stage of the disease, physiotherapy and rehabilitation applications are essential to soften the tissues and muscles in the neck region and to accelerate blood circulation in order to minimize pain. After physiotherapy and rehabilitation, the most complementary treatment method for neck flattening is the manual therapy method applied in the Anatomy Form dimension.

We are Preferred!

Anatomy Form does not use drugs, radiation, needles, scalpels or surgical methods!

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